Myomunchee chewing habit appliance
I am apart of a team that goes to dental conventions to teach other dental professionals and dentists about Myofunctional Therapy and the benefits of the Myomunchee habit appliance. I use it as part of my therapy program, built in to the cost of the full program. This is a chewing appliance made of soft flexible silicone. It can be used to replace a pacifier, given to babies for oral stimulation, and reflexive chewing therapy. It is a helpful tool in correcting muscle dysfunction and low muscle tone. Did you know that due to our soft diet and processed foods we don’t develop the chewing muscles our ancestors had? So our mouths are smaller, our jaws are smaller, as well as our skulls. You can look at skulls from before industrial revolution about 200 years ago and they are bigger and no orthodontics needed. The appliance is not an orthodontic appliance. It is meant to support the muscles that will guide proper growth in children, and help balance muscles in adults.

Munchees are tools, so you would still need therapy.
The Munchee is a TOOL, not a cure. It is apart of the therapy but isn’t end end all be all. It is an easy way to passively exercise the muscles while you do other things. But, just like a night guard doesn’t cure TMJ issues, the munchee alone doesn’t fix myofunctional issues. The only exception is small toddlers and babies. Catch them young and do a frenectomy and mini myo program +munchee, and they may not need therapy when they are older or phase 1 early orthodontics.
Depending on the symptoms, I include the munchee in the therapy program.
If you have a toddler or baby who is too young for therapy but they are open lip postured and mouth breathing, get one!
Let them chew on the handle, and on the munchee, it will help with teething and support proper development of the jaw, palate and muscles. In addition this appliance will help keep the lips closed
Please send me a message so that we can discuss the most effective way to help your baby or toddler make full use of the Myomunchee appliance!

Have you undergone or are planning on myofunctional therapy in the near future, but no one has spoken with you about the Myomunchee Appliance. Message me, and I would be happy to give you more information on the benefits of personalizing a program that incorporates comprehensive therapy with the appliance for your best results.