Mouth Muscle Memory

My Picture

Who Am I?

Hi my name is Kimi Nishimoto and I am the smiling face behind Mouth Muscle Memory. As a Myofunctional Therapist and  Face Yoga Instructor. I have advanced training in Tongue Ties, TMJ, Malocclusion, and Airway Dentistry, and you would not believe how much these areas effect our overall health. 

My Mission

Our mouths and noses are the gateways to the rest to our body. How we use them effects all the basics of life: eating, drinking, sleeping, breathing, sex, mood, development, growth, and face shape.

Whoa!!! So why aren’t you told that?

Well you are, but only after the fact: braces, surgeries, retainers, ADHD prescriptions, and so much more…but what if there was a way to fix all of this before it started. 

There is the world-wide phenomenon of Functional Medicine doesn’t just include Myofunctional Therapy but so much more.

Osteopathic Care

Integrative Medicine

Chiropractic Care

Acupuncture Work

Physical Therapy

Dietary Nutrition

Regenerative Medicine (PRP, Stem Cell therapy)

and so much more

SO...Why Does it Matter?

Because, these treatments have amazed millions of patients world-wide with life changing results.

However they are still sadly under-prescribed in the USA.

I founded Mouth Muscle Memory on the belief that YOU deserve the best knowledge available and a pathway to a lifetime of healing.

I make no compromises, if you need an extra session you get it, if you have additional questions, I answer them. This program is designed for results because I LOVE WHAT I DO. And what I do, i help people breathe.

I make no compromises, if you need an extra session you get it, if you have additional questions, I answer them.

Mouth Muscle Memory was designed from the ground up to be different.

My Clients receive results because I LOVE WHAT I DO. From start to finish we are in this together.

Tired of being told you snore at night???

Tired of using a CPAP???

Does Breastfeeding hurt???

Do you ever feel awkward on dates because you chew with your mouth open???

Want a better sex life???

Any dysfunction of the mouth or breathing is going to cause a domino effect to the rest of the body.

By addressing how we do the basics of airway function and breathing YOU help your own body heal itself. Good oxygenation is MAGIC for our bodies.

I’ve helped everyone from Celebrities, to everyday moms and Dads to young men and women who just want a better life.

I've heard about myofunctional therapy...

...But what will it actually do for me and my family?


The 4 Goals of Myofunctional Therapy


  • Habitual Lip Seal
  • Correct Tongue Posture
  • Lifelong Nasal Breathing
  • Correct Swallow

All of these goals work together to open your airway.

Watch the video to learn how I provide customize treatment to fit the needs of my clients.


Myofunctional Therapy Saves Money

The cost of having mouth  muscle dysfunctions, breathing with the mouth, and sleep disorders are very costly financially. 

Source: Blue Cross Blue Shield

If you feel like you or someone you love could benefit from Myofunctional Therapy don’t hesitate to send me a message.
I love to talk about Myo, and I can’t wait to help you and your loved ones. Lets talk!