Mouth Muscle Memory

Myofunctional Disorders

So........What is a Myofunctional Disorder?

An orofacial myofunctional disorder (OMD) is when there is an abnormal lip, incorrect tongue position,  or underdeveloped mandibular of the jaw. It is most noticeable during sleep, chewing, and passive breathing. Many Myofunctional Patients also exhibit signs of negative oral habits such as thumb sucking, fingernail chewing,  and nibbling on the fingers. If not treated these can become habitiual.


So let’s take a look at what is medically considered to be a myofunctional disorder. 

*mouth breathing

*tongue thrust (pushing tongue into teeth when you swallow)

*using lips and cheeks to swallow

*low resting tongue posture

*tongue ties of all types

*grinding and clenching


*sleep disorders (upper airway resistance, sleep apnea, restless sleeping, kicking, limb movement, stopping breathing, open mouth)

*high or narrow palate shape

*needing to nose pick to nose breathe 

*bad posture and leaning the head forward

apple, bite, diet
man, guy, tired

*naturally deviated septum (not from trauma)*speech impediments likely from an undiagnosed tongue tie


*autism and sensory issues

*history of nursing difficulty, frequently spitting up, needing to feed often, nursing pain

*thumb sucking, 

*lip licking and lip biting, chapped lips. 

*chronic stuffy and or runny nose, allergies

*pacifier use past 18 months old

*open bite

*orthodontic failure and relapse.

If untreated Myofunctional Disorders can cascade into a number of very serious health issues. This is a Domino effect of dysfunction in the body due to altered sleep, breathing and blood chemistry. Some of these major health issues include:

  • TMJ Disorders
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Tonsillectomy & Adenoidectomy
  • Sexual Dysfunction
  • Airway Disorders
  • Low Energy Levels
  • Poor Memory Retention
  • Increased Risk of Thyroid Disease -Hypothyroidism
  • Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome (UARS)
  • Digestion Issues – Acid Reflux, IBS, Constipation, Diarrhea, etc.
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
  • Anxiety – Depression
  • Dark Circles under the Eye


massage, therapist, woman

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms

Lets get you started, each client experiences results in a different way, the average myo patient will start to see improvement within the first several weeks. However the changes over the 6 month program can be life-changing. Everything from increased energy, improved sleep quality, keeping lips together while chewing, more defined jaw line, and many more. Send me a message so we can get you started on the path to your natural self. 

teeth, face, mouth