Tongue Ties
Tongue ties are a genetic condition that begins to form in utero and can be diagnosable at birth. Unfortunately, for many around the world this condition will restrict the movement of the tongue for potentially their ENTIRE LIFETIME. When an individual has a tongue-tie, the tell tell symptom is; a short, thick or abnormally tight band of tissue known as lingual frenulum which connects from the bottom of the tongue to the floor of the mouth. Tongue ties often interfere with breast-feeding, and can effect the quality of nursing that your child experiences. Ankyloglossia (tongue-tie) will frequently alter the way a child eats, speaks and swallows, which can potentially develop into many conditions like ADD, sleep apnea, chronic fatigue, speech impediments and oodles more. A frequent complaint that leads to treatment for patients is the innability to stick out the tonuge without pain/pressure, and an inability to suction the tongue to the roof of the mouth. If you are experiencing symptoms of tongue tie, a consultation to may be right for you to determine if you are one of the 3 million American’s who are diagnosed with Ankyloglossia annually.
Tongue ties come in all shapes and sizes. My biggest thing I want to share with the world and anyone who comes to this website, is this: A TONGUE TIE IS A TONGUE TIE. Today many doctors utilize a grading system on the severity of a patient’s Ankyloglossia (tongue-tie) with this grading system many patients feel a false sense of normalcy in their condition even though they KNOW they feel something is “off”. I want to tell you that there is treatment, and there is hope to fell healthier. See, tongue ties effect multiple other muscle groups in our face, jaw, neck and have a direct effect on the facsia that covers our whole body. These muscles must compensate for the tongue’s lack of mobility inside the mouth. So just because the tongue tie itself might be graded low the effect on your body may be enormous.
Types of Ankyloglossia (Tongue Ties)
- Anterior tongue tie
- Posterior tongue tie
- Heart-shaped tongue tie
- Short frenum
- Submucosal frenum
- Eiffel Tower attachment
- V-shape tip shape
- Oblong tip shape
- Prominent groove on top of tongue

Check out the Mouth Muscle Memory Tongue Tie Gallery to see if you can find your tongue tie!
The tongue is meant to suction to and live at the top of the palate. Check where your tongue is right now: is it floating in the middle? Is it behind the bottom front teeth? Is the tip resting on the back of the upper front teeth? that is low tongue posture, one of the main mouth posture problems that can cause TMJ disorder and sleep issues. Myofunctional Therapy will train your tongue to always live suctioned to the palate and out of your throat.

My Passion is Helping Individuals like me who have suffered from a tongue tie.
Many patients come to me knowing that they are negatively effected by a tongue tie, but feel defeated knowing that they can’t get the help they need. I’m here to help you feel better and live a life of wellness. That’s why Mouth Muscle Memory has partnered with practicing physicians all over the county who take your health as seriously as you do. Lets have a consultation to discuss your individual needs, if there is something that needs to be addressed, anything at all, I want you to have the choice to get the care you deserve!